Hey there, I hope you are doing will today! I wanted to share something on my mind lately, our words and thoughts might be creating more stress in our lives than we realize. It’s something we all do, often without even thinking about it, yet it can greatly impact our stress levels.

Here’s the thing, the words we speak and the thoughts we think are incredibly powerful. When we say things like, “nothing ever goes right for me” or “I’m always unlucky”, we aren’t just complaining, we’re actually programming our subconscious mind to believe these things. This can lead to a cycle where we expect the worst, see the worst, and end up constantly stressed out.

But, it’s not all bad news! The good news is that we have the power to change this pattern of thinking. By becomin gmore aware of our language and thoughts, we can shift how we experience stress. Imagine replacing those negative statements with something more empowering and seeing how that changes your day-to-day life.

There is science to back this process. It has to do with your Reticular Activating System “RAS”, in your brain.

I’ve just released a new podcast all about this, how our words and thoughts contribute to our stress levels and how we can break this cycle. It’s packed full of real talk, relatable stories, and practical tips to help you take control of your stress. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!

Click here to listed the full episode and learn how to start reprogramming your mind for less stress and more positivity. I promise you won’t regret it!

Tune in to hear insights and join the conversation on changing our thoughts and reprogramming our minds. Subscribe to my email list today and start believing in your power to influence your life and circumstances. Don’t miss out on my free stress management self -reflection exercise. This simple yet powerful tool will help you reflect on your stress triggers and develop strategies to manage them effectively. Download it for free at christinedegrazia.com/freebie


Christine DeGrazia

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