June 26, 2024

Episode 6: Are You Ready to Escape The Anxiety Loop? Break The Cycle Now

by Christine DeGrazia in Podcast0 Comments

In this episode, we delve into the pervasive issue of excessive worrying, which can be particularly prevalent among healthcare professionals. Worrying excessively about potential future events that may never come to pass can significantly impact mental and physical well-being, as well as the ability to deliver quality patient care. Did you know that 85% of the things people worry about never actually happen?

Join as we explore the detrimental effects of unnecessary stress and provide actionable strategies to break free from the cycle of worry. From practicing mindfulness and challenging irrational thoughts to focusing on what can be controlled and engaging in relaxation techniques, we offer practical tips to cultivate a healthier mindset.

Discover the power of gratitude, the benefits of talking to others, and the importance of adopting an ‘it is what it is’ attitude. Learn how visualizing positive outcomes and developing healthy routines can transform your outlook and enhance your ability to handle stress effectively.

Subscribe to my email list on information on managing stress and practicing mindfulness.


Christine DeGrazia

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